37. delavnica o telekomunikacijah / 37th Workshop on Telecommunications
SLO – Povečanje odpornosti kritične infrastrukture z uporabo naprednih rešitev IKT
Delavnica je bila namenjena aktualni tematiki, kako lahko z uporabo naprednih rešitev IKT povečamo odpornost kritične infrastrukture. Ta vidik uporabe bi moral biti za razvijalce rešitev, operaterje in uporabnike enako ali celo bolj pomemben kot razvoj komunikacijskih rešitev, ki so namenjene zabavnim vsebinam in druženju v digitalnem svetu. Prispevki, ki so zbrani v zborniku, opisujejo, s kakšnimi izzivi se soočajo posamezniki, podjetja in institucije, kakšne rešitve imajo na voljo, ali jih uporabljajo ter kakšna so njihova strateška razmišljanja in načrti. Predstavljajo tudi najnovejše razpoložljive tehnologije ter prednosti in slabosti njihove uporabe na delovanje kritične infrastrukture.
ENG – Increasing critical infrastructure resilience through the use of advanced ICT solutions
The workshop was dedicated to the topic how we can increase the resilience of critical infrastructure by using advanced ICT solutions. Aforementioned aspect of use should be even more important for solution developers, operators and users than the development of communication solutions designed for entertainment and socializing in the digital world. The articles of this year’s workshop describe the challenges faced by individuals, companies and institutions, what solutions they have at their disposal, whether they use them and what their strategic thoughts and plans are. They also present the latest available technologies, advantages and disadvantages of their applications to the operation of critical infrastructure.